Adobe Captivate Tutorial


This is one of the video tutorials from a series of tutorials videos that I’ve created on – How to use Adobe Captivate to create a tab interaction. The end project looks like this:

In this video, the learners learn to create a top bar for the logo and the title text using fluid boxes.  I begin with specifying the learning objective and setting the stage for what the learners will learn in this course. Then, I move on to explain the benefits of using a responsive project and fluid boxes in Adobe Captivate followed by a demonstration of how to actually do this. Finally, I end the video with a quick recap.

Design and Development

To create this video, I followed the following steps:

  • Wrote the script
  • Created a storyboard,
  • Recorded the voiceover,
  • Captured a screen recording,
  • Finally, I edited the video in Camtasia 9